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Book Suggestions

Please remember that Dr. Isaacs is not recommending every item in every book, nor is she recommending any form of medical treatment. Always check with your physician before beginning or modifying any treatment. Additional book suggestions are on the page Emotional and Spiritual Health.

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Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez’ Books and Recordings

Dr. Isaacs co-authored Dr. Gonzalez's book The Trophoblast and the Origins of Cancer, wrote a Foreword for Nutrition and the Autonomic Nervous System, and assisted editorially on One Man Alone, What Went Wrong, and Nutrition and the Autonomic Nervous System.

The Trophoblast and the Origins of Cancer: One solution to the medical enigma of our time
ISBN: 978-0982196502; available at Amazon

One Man Alone: An Investigation of Nutrition, Cancer, and William Donald Kelley
ISBN: 978-0982196564; available at Amazon

What Went Wrong: The Truth Behind the Clinical Trial of the Enzyme Treatment of Cancer
ISBN: 978-0982196533; available at Amazon

Nutrition and the Autonomic Nervous System
ISBN: 978-0998546001; publishes posthumously and uncompleted; available at Amazon.
To read Dr. Isaacs' Foreword to this book, click here.

Different Diets for Different Types (DVD); available at Amazon

Enzymes and Cancer (DVD); available at Amazon

Dr. Gonzalez was working on a collection of case reports at the time of his death, which were published posthumously (uncompleted) in two volumes. The first volume consists of patients with pancreatic cancer and breast cancer, 50 cases in total; the second volume includes patients with other types of cancer, 60 cases in total. Both volumes include patients treated by Dr. Isaacs.

The Enzyme Treatment of Cancer and Its Scientific Basis

John Beard D.Sc.
Foreword by Nicholas J. Gonzalez MD
ISBN: 978-0982196526; available at Amazon

Dr. Beard’s examination of the placenta led him to conclude that in its early stages, this tissue behaves much as a cancerous tumor. He then proposed that pancreatic enzymes regulate placental development, and in turn represent the body’s main defense against cancer. Though in his lifetime the scientific community never embraced his ideas, modern research on stem cells increasingly confirms many of Dr. Beard’s theories. The reproduction with a foreword by Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez is now out of print, though you might find used copies at the above link on Amazon. Since the book was published in 1911, it is in the public domain and has been posted online. We cannot vouch for the completeness or accuracy of the posted version.

Knockout: Interviews with doctors who are curing cancer and how to prevent getting it in the first place

Suzanne Somers
ISBN: 978-0307587466; available at Amazon

In Knockout, Suzanne Somers presents her own battles with the conventional medical system, and reviews a number of alternative treatments, highlighting this nutritional-enzyme regimen. The book includes a lengthy interview with Dr. Gonzalez, as well as interviews with nine patients who have beaten poor prognosis or terminal cancer.

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration

Weston A. Price DDS
ISBN: 978-0916764203; available at Amazon.

In the 1920s, Dr. Weston Price and his wife traveled to 14 different countries and some of the most remote areas in the world investigating the health of the local populations. Those who followed traditional dietary practices had excellent dental structure and overall superb health. Those who adopted industrialized and processed foods such as white flour, white sugar, refined vegetable oils and canned goods, quickly developed dental problems and disease. This book includes hundreds of photos that document Dr. Price’s findings. Since few traditional cultures exist today, this carefully documented study is invaluable. Dr. Price’s terminology does not meet current standards of political correctness, but his respect and admiration for the traditional peoples of the world shine through.

Pottenger’s Cats: A Study in Nutrition

Francis Marion Pottenger MD
ISBN: 978-0916764067; available at Amazon.

Written by Dr. Pottenger Jr., this book compares cats raised on a largely raw diet to those raised on cooked food. With photographs to back his claims, Dr. Pottenger shows that cats raised on raw food were extremely healthy, generation after generation, but those raised eating primarily cooked food developed a variety of serious health problems.

Enzyme Nutrition

Dr. Edward Howell
ISBN: 978-0895292216; available at Amazon

During the 1930s and 1940s, Dr. Howell showed that the food enzymes are as essential to our health as the other well-known classes of nutrients, such as the vitamins, minerals and trace elements. In his books, he explains that the processing of food, particularly its heating, destroys these valuable enzymes, and helps explain the epidemic of degenerative disease that began in the 20th century.

Food Enzymes for Health & Longevity

Dr. Edward Howell
ISBN: 978-0941524285; available at Amazon

This book outlines the extensive research material to support Dr. Howell’s claim that raw foods contain valuable enzymes necessary for optimal health. The book includes hundreds of references showing the value of enzymes and raw food.

Rodale’s Basic Natural Foods Cookbook

Charles Gerras, editor

This is one of the best general whole foods cookbooks, but is unfortunately out of print. Used copies are available through Amazon in paperback (ISBN 0671673386) or hardcover (ISBN 0878574697).

Nourishing Traditions

Sally Fallon
ISBN: 978-0967089737; available at Amazon

A full-spectrum natural foods cookbook about preparing foods to maximize nutritional benefit, including sections on the proper way to prepare grains, the health benefits of bone broths, and the value of enzyme-rich lacto-fermented foods. This book is most valuable for the balanced to carnivorous patients.

Nourishing Broth

Sally Fallon Morell and Kaayla T. Daniel
ISBN: 978-1455529223; available at Amazon

More details about the health benefits of broths, with many recipes.

Real Food Fermentation: Preserving Whole Fresh Foods with Live Cultures in Your Home Kitchen

Alex Lewin
ISBN: 978-1592537846; available at Amazon

A clear and practical book on how to preserve and enhance a variety of foods with fermentation.

The Laurel’s Kitchen Bread Book: A Guide to Whole-Grain Breadmaking

Laurel Robertson et al
ISBN: 978-0812969672; available at Amazon

This book provides techniques that help make whole-grain bread making easy, including instructions on the best way to use bread machines.

The Vegetarian Guide to Diet & Salad

N.W. Walker D.Sc.
ISBN: 978-0890190340; available at Amazon

Written by one of the pioneers of the raw foods movement, this book provides salad and juice recipes and suggestions.

How to Deal With Back Pain and Rheumatoid Joint Pain

F. Batmanghelidj MD
ISBN: 978-0962994203; available at Amazon

In this book, the author discusses the role of water as an essential component of cartilage in the joints, helping to hold the spinal column together, and describes why chronic dehydration is behind much joint pain. Dr. Batmanghelidj also gives instructions for simple exercises, with easy-to-follow photographs, that can be very useful for patients with chronic and severe back pain.

The Whartons’ Stretch Book

Jim and Phil Wharton
ISBN: 978-0812926231; available at Amazon

This book describes Active-Isolated Stretching, simple exercises that can promote greater flexibility, reduced pain, and fewer injuries.

Pain Free

Pete Egoscue with Roger Gittines
ISBN: 978-0553379884; available at Amazon

Modern civilization has changed the way we move and use our bodies, narrowing our range of motion and our flexibility. This book focuses on the biomechanics of painful joints and muscles, providing stretches and motion exercises to restore and maintain proper function in specific muscles and joints.

Clean House Clean Planet

Karen Logan
ISBN: 978-0671535957; available at Amazon

A good review of the problems with commercial cleaners and household products, and suggestions for nontoxic and inexpensive alternatives, including directions for making your own.

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