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Upload Your Files

Uploaded files are stored in an encrypted, HIPAA-compliant account. You are welcome to call the office (737-208-0831) during normal business hours to confirm receipt. Uploaded files will be reviewed Monday-Friday at the end of the business day. Files uploaded at night or on holidays or weekends will be reviewed at the end of the following business day. If you are a current patient and have an emergency, please call the office or call 911.

Click here for the webpage to upload your files. Documents should be in PDF or Microsoft Word format. We may not be able to open other types of files.

Individual files can be no larger than 20 MB, and the total size of all files submitted can be no more than 50 MB. You may upload more files as needed.

Potential new patients, please remember to submit your summary; see the page about the Pre-Appointment Process. Please note that submitting your information does not create a doctor-patient relationship; this is not established until a treatment plan has begun.