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Food and Household Products

The following list of potentially useful food and household items is far from comprehensive. Please let the office know if you find additional resources you think others would find helpful. I also have book suggestions, which include cookbooks, listed elsewhere on the site.

You should follow the diet that has been prescribed for you, even if one of the following resources sells or advocates a product that is forbidden. For example, almost all natural foods stores, whether retail or mail order, sell soy products. You should not purchase these. White flour is contained in many products, and even if it is organic, it is a depleted food.

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Food Resources

AWG Bakery: organic gluten-free grain-free bread, highly recommended by a patient.

Azure Standard: a supplier of groceries and household products, either shipped or delivered to drop points where you can pick up your order.

Bragg's Coconut Aminos: a soy-free substitute for soy sauce. Available on their website or on Amazon.

California Olive Oil Council: a trade organization devoted to maintaining high standards for the olive oil industry through its Seal Certification Program. Includes lists of certified producers.

Cornucopia: educational materials about organic and sustainable agriculture, with scorecards for such things as eggs, yogurt, and toothpaste.

Eat Wild: a state-by-state directory of suppliers of meat, eggs and poultry from pastured animals.

Gold Mine Natural Food Company: lots of organic grains, nuts and seeds. 800-475-3663.

The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy: offers an Eat Well Guide to help consumers find antibiotic-free meat.

High Mowing Seeds: 100% organic, non-GMO seeds. 802-472-6174.

LocalHarvest: a directory for food coops and locally grown foods.

Misfits Market:ugly or unattractive but perfectly edible organic produce delivered for discount prices. Several patients have spoken highly about this.

Premium Gold Flax: organic flaxseed that has not been heat-treated. 866-570-1234. Also available from Amazon.

Pure Indian Foods: grass-fed organic ghee and other organic products for Indian cuisine. 877-588-4433.

Seeds of Change: a source of 100% organic seeds for growing vegetables, herbs and flowers. 888-762-7333.

Tierra Farm: organic nuts, nut butters and dried fruit. 518-392-8300.

US Wellness Meats: grass-fed beef, lamb, dairy, bison and goat, shipped to all 50 states and most of Canada. 877-383-0051.

Vital Choice: Wild Alaskan seafood. 866-482-5887.

Wild Idea Buffalo: grass-fed free-roaming bison, shipped to all 50 states. 605-716-0572.

Wild Pastures: grass-fed and pastured meats and poultry.

Household Resources

Beyond Pesticides: committed to pesticide safety, this organization's site includes a listing of firms that offer nontoxic pest control, and a ManageSafe guide to dealing with specific types of pests.

CozyPure: organic latex mattresses, as well as blankets, comforters, pillows, sheets, and organic latex noodles that can be used for upholstery. 800-229-7571

Ecobalanza: furniture manufactured in an environmentally conscious manner. 206-545-4405

Ecos Paints: paints, primers, stains and varnishes, eco-friendly and zero VOC. 866-587-3586

f.lux software for computer screens: this free program will adjust the color of computer screens at night. Excessive blue light at night can be stimulating.

Gardens Alive!: products for lawn and garden care, pet care and pest control. 513-354-1482

Lifekind: third-party certified organic household products such as mattresses and bedding, cleaning products and personal care items. 800-284-4983.

Lubricants: a lubricant is needed to insert the tubing for the coffee enemas. Coconut oil is too thin and runny, as are many “personal lubricants” found in pharmacies. Also, many lubricants have chemicals such as glycerol and parabens, which might irritate the skin. Surgilube contains an antibacterial but otherwise is gentle and effective. For the extremely sensitive, I would suggest Sliquid Sassy or the aloe-based products from Desert Harvest, Aloe Glide or Gelé. Aloe Cadabra is also suitable.

Long Creek Herbs: herbal products such as Herbal Nail Fungus Soak and moth repellant. 417-779-5450.

Vitabath Effervescent Vitamin C Dechlorination Tablets: these tablets can remove chlorine and chloramines from your bathwater. Use one tablet per bath; they continue to work after the fizzing stops. Available on Amazon.

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